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Pastoral Care

The Caring School


In Clounagh we provide pupils with a safe, secure and happy environment where they are challenged to do well and encouraged to develop into caring, responsible young adults ready to make a positive contribution to society.


Beginning secondary school can be a daunting experience and a good start is important. An Induction Day is held for Year 8 pupils where they spend a morning with their form teacher, getting accustomed to new surroundings and meeting new classmates.  Parents are encouraged to come along with their children and lend some moral support. However, it is our experience that within a short time, pupils are soon at home in their new surroundings and ready to move forward with their learning.


Parents who require information regarding enrolment are encouraged to contact the school.


A ‘Peer Mentors’ mentoring programme which involves a group of young people from Year 10 supporting Year 8 pupils has proved successful in dealing with any concerns.


Every morning each class will meet with their form teacher for registration.  Such regular contact helps to establish and build a meaningful relationship between teacher and pupil.  Time spent during registration period includes attending whole school assembly, on-going personal development lessons, preparation for year assembly and the monitoring of attendance.


Pupils will also have a timetabled form period class.  During these periods in Year 8 & 9 units from the Citizenship, Employability and Personal Development programmes are followed.  In Year 10 the L.L.W. Curriculum is delivered via a twelve week ‘Carousel’ approach.


At the centre of our Pastoral Programme is the child, whose welfare is paramount.

Our pupils are encouraged to be “caring young adults” and to think of those less fortunate than themselves. As part of this aspiration money for various charities is raised by a number of special events organised throughout the year by Form Teachers and individual classes.  We are proud of our efforts to help those at home and further afield who are less fortunate than ourselves.


A high standard of uniform and appearance is expected and full school uniform must be worn at all times.  Throughout their time in Clounagh pupils are encouraged to assume greater personal responsibility for their behaviour and to treat their peers, members of the school staff and adults with courtesy, good manners and respect.


Copies of our Dress Code, Code of Conduct, School Rules/Home School Agreement and the Board of Governors ‘Charging & Remissions’ policies are available from the school office.  Advice regarding formal complaints procedures is also available upon request.


Pastoral Care Team

A Pastoral Team consisting of Form Teachers, Year Heads and senior members of staff strive to ensure that each child is happy in a secure environment. The services of a School Counsellor can also be accessed should additional help and support be required. Referral to the service can be made by a parent, member of staff or the young person themselves. We value, promote and encourage partnership with parents who may visit the school at any time. 

Christian Ethos


The school actively promotes and supports a Christian ethos.  Assembly is held every morning and ministers from the major churches visit the school once a week. Scripture Union meets at lunch time one day per week.  Throughout the year, the school welcomes speakers and groups from such organisations as The Gideon’s, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Youth for Christ and Scripture Union.

One of the highlights of the school year is the annual Carol Service attended by parents, guests and local clergy.  The school choir may also participate in Carol Services in local churches.

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