Parents' Information
Reporting to Parents
Much emphasis is placed on the involvement of parents in their children’s education, and to this end parents are kept fully informed of their child’s progress. Term reports are issued twice a year in December and June. In January, parents are invited to attend a series of year specific home-school liaison meetings which provide an opportunity for parents to discuss with teachers how their child is progressing and to express any concerns they may have. Parents who are unable to attend may arrange to meet staff at a later date.
In Clounagh we have an open door policy. Parents are always welcome to contact the school with concerns or queries. We are here to assist your child to grow as a person – physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually.
Parental Involvement
Parents are invited to –
• Carol Service
• Home / School Liaison Meetings
• School Productions
• Prize Evenings
• Sporting Activities
• Information & Education Evenings
Parents can help us by –
• Taking an interest in their child’s class work and
• Ensuring their child attends regularly, punctually and in
full uniform
• Attending school functions, meetings, events
and sporting fixtures

Parent Information Videos