Home Economics
Home Economics at Key Stage 3 is part of Learning for Life and Work. Throughout their time at Clounagh, pupils have opportunities to learn about three key concepts:
Healthy eating
Home and family life and
Independent living.
Healthy Eating
Provides opportunities to develop understanding required I choice, planning storage, preparation, cooking and serving food
Home & Family Life
Provides opportunities to understand the importance of the family as a caring unit.
Independant Living
Provides opportunities to understand the importance of becoming discerning consumers and effective managers of resources.
Each year is divided into a series of units which are designed to be enjoyable, challenging, engaging and relevant for our young people.
A wide range of practical cookery is built into each unit of work so that pupils can develop a range of important skills such as thinking for themselves, cooking skills, working with others and using equipment. Practical cookery is enjoyed greatly by all pupils and is a wonderful opportunity for them to develop healthy attitudes to food whilst learning some life-long skills.
At Clounagh we study the following topics in Year 8, 9 & 10:
Year 8
Welcome to Home Economics
Exploring Home Economics
Food Labels
Healthy Lunchboxes
Cooking Food
My Family
Year 9
Food Safety & Hygiene
All About You
Home Alone
How Are You Paying?
5 A Day
Year 10
Food & Faith
Food Poisoning
Healthy Eating Guidelines
Eat Less Fat & Sugar
Dietary Needs of Individuals